夏札法王                           移喜泰賢及啤嗎哈尊金剛上師

 HH Chatral Rinpoche         Vajra Masters Yeshe Thaye & Pema Lhadren

敦珠佛學會        Dudjom Buddhist Association


Selected Videos: Series on Gurus


  生死教育系列 Series on Life & Death Education  佛法系列  上師系列 Guru Series 

  敦珠佛學會傳承及活動系列 Lineage & Activity   對佛法疑惑的問與答

影音系列簡介 Audio-Visual Series introduction

敦珠佛學會相片集  Photo Album of Dudjom Buddhist Association


 夏 札 法 王 系 列  Series on HH Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche


夏 札 法 王 系 列 Series on HH Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche

 1.  夏札法王開示修心法要 2 夏札法王為移喜泰賢金剛上師舉行加冕儀式

3. 夏札法王為賜法衣給啤嗎哈尊金剛上師2003 4.  藏傳佛教甯瑪派之虹光身

5.依怙主 夏札法王的殊勝功德(1):不再轉世與活佛制度之迷

Kyabje Chadral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche's Spiritual Advice Coronation Ceremony for Vajra Master Yeshe Thaye

 Chadral_Rinpoche Bestow White Zen to Pema Lhadren  The Rainbow Body of Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism

1. 夏札法王開示修心法要(中文字幕)

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夏札法王簡介 HH Chadral Rinpoche introduction

這段影片的主要內容,為「敦珠佛學會」之頂嚴(根本上師) 夏札(戚操) 生紀多傑法王所開示之甘露法要片段。乃「敦珠佛學會」之上師移喜泰賢及啤嗎哈尊於西元 2000年率眾朝禮 夏札法王時,夏札法王特別為此作出開示,並由「敦珠佛學會」獲 夏札法王允許下拍攝而成。

由於是從未有過的特許及開示,因此珍貴難得,希望各位法友珍重,並且銘記於心,則不辜負 夏札法王慈悲開示之苦心。本會仝人為慶祝我們最敬愛之頂嚴(根本上師) 夏札法王於今年2012年之百歲榮壽,特以此片段緬懷我們最敬愛之頂嚴(根本上師) 夏札法王之大恩大德,並值此誠心祝禱根本上師 夏札法王健康長壽住世,大轉無上法輪,利益無盡蒼生!


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2.  夏札法王


Kyabje Chatral Rinpoche's Coronation Ceremony for

 Vajra Master Yeshe Thaye in 2003



It was on December 24, 2003 that Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche had presented the Coronation Ceremony, by personally bestowed the Pandita Hat upon Vajra Master Yeshe Thaye, to show His personal authorization on the status and title of "Vajra Master" to Yeshe Thaye.

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夏札法王簡介 HH Chadral Rinpoche introduction

移喜泰賢金剛上師簡介 Vajra Master Yeshe Thaye

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3.  夏札法王為賜法衣給啤嗎哈尊金剛上師2003

Kyabje Chatral Rinpoche’s Bestowal of the White Zen for Pema Lhadren in 2003



It was on December 24, 2003 that Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche had personally bestowed the Zen (white robe) upon

Pema Lhadren.

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夏札法王簡介 HH Chadral Rinpoche introduction

啤嗎哈尊金剛上師簡介 Vajra Master Pema Lhadren

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4.  藏傳佛教甯瑪派之虹光身

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本片內容包括有:本師釋迦牟尼佛之生平簡介、與及其相關之「出生、苦修、成道、弘法、 湼槃」等聖地;當代第二佛、及藏傳佛教始祖蓮花生大士之弘化功德、及其興建桑耶寺與大 譯場,從而建立了有「佛、法、僧」三寶之「藏傳佛教」。「藏傳佛教」分四派,而屬於源 頭、而由印度直接傳入西藏之「寧瑪派」 (俗稱「紅教」) 教法,由於能夠保存最原始、最具力、最有深度的「大圓滿」教法,因此其「修行成就」亦 是最高的,為四派之冠。其最高成就的證量被稱為「虹光身」成就。當代蓮師代表、紅教法 王依怙主 敦珠智者移喜多傑甯波車(第二世)之弘化功德、及其「敦珠新寶藏」傳承系統之簡介;現 今「敦珠新寶藏」之「金剛王令」及法主、紅教大成就者依怙主 夏札(戚操)生紀多傑甯波車之弘化功德。並簡介了由移喜泰賢及啤嗎哈尊兩位金剛上師於 香港所創辦之敦珠佛學會(國際)。
最後便是「敦珠佛學會」之頂嚴 (根本上師)依怙主 夏札(戚操)生紀多傑法王所開示之甘露法要「修心與修行」。由於依怙主 夏札(戚操)生紀多傑法王從不公開演說,而所有教授均禁止錄影。此重要開示,可以說是 唯一的例外,因此極為珍貴難得。此乃「敦珠佛學會」之移喜泰賢及啤嗎哈尊兩位金剛上師 ,於西元 2000年12月,率弟子眾朝禮依怙主 夏札法王時,依怙主 夏札法王特別為此而作出之開示,並且獲得依怙主 夏札法王特別格外開恩之下,由「敦珠佛學會」拍攝而成。
由於是從未有過的特許及開示,因此彌足珍貴,希望各位法友多加珍重,並且銘記於心,則 不辜負依怙主 夏札法王慈悲開示之苦心。本會仝人為慶祝我們最敬愛之頂嚴 (根本上師) 依怙主 夏札法王,於今年2015年之一百零四歲之榮壽,特以此片段緬懷我們最敬愛之頂嚴 (根本上師) 依怙主 夏札法王之大恩大德;並值此善緣誠心祝禱根本上師依怙主 夏札法王健康長壽住世,大轉無上法輪,利益無盡蒼生! 願善妙增長!


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5. 依怙主 夏札法王的殊勝功德(1):



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依怙主 夏札法王(戚操生紀多傑仁波切 1913-2015) 是當代舉世矚目的佛教大成就者,屬於「“上師”中之“上師”」。其一生事蹟,標誌着「何謂真正的修行」、「修行與日常生活之互融」與「法與心之契合」,以真實跨越「名聞利養」之驚人行徑,演譯了難能之謙虛品格、深廣之慈悲利生大行、剛強而猛烈之不屈大志、飄逸而瀟洒之隱士作風、扼要而精確之獨特見解、無與倫比之超卓智慧、不撓之堅毅苦行、與及無盡悲智以匡扶正法。此等事蹟將可利益、教誨、引導、與及警醒無數眾生之困惑心靈,令眾生認清何謂「真實不虛之解脫道路」。其一生事蹟,樹立了「正法」之修行宗風。有關依怙主 夏札(戚操)生紀多傑法王之授記(預言),均出自大成就者之親筆或金言,亦有源自真實「密續」(「藏傳佛教」之「經典」)之不虛鐵證,例如蓮師的授記。與坊間「假上師」之自吹自擂,缺根無據者之偽言相比,實在不可同日而語。

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His Holiness Kyabje Chadral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche's Spiritual Advice for Dharma Practitioners

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夏札法王簡介 HH Chadral Rinpoche introduction

This is a most precious footage of our most beloved Crowning Jewel (Root Guru) His Holiness Kyabje Chadral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche's Spiritual Advice for Dharma practitioners (with the special kind permission by His Holiness Himself), which was taken in the year 2000 when our Vajra Masters Yeshe Thaye and Pema Lhadren of the Dudjom Buddhist Association (International) led their disciples to visit His Holiness in India.

Particularly with the special blessings of His Holiness Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche's great presence with us, while celebrating His Holiness' 100th Birthday Anniversary this year (2012), we hereby specially dedicated all the accumulated merits for the great health and longevity of His Holiness Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche, with our earnest and sincere prayers and aspirations that His Holiness' Lotus Feet will remain firm and steadfast for thousands of aeons in this universe, so as to continuously uphold the Victory Banner and turn the Wheel of the Holy Dharma, for the benefits of all our motherly sentient beings, as limitless as the sky!


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The Rainbow Body of Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism

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This video contains many precious personal photographs of the Buddhas, Gurus, pictures, thangka paintings, and footages that have never been seen before, and is considered most invaluable as a historical document. Its contents include: A short introduction of the life story of Lord Buddha, including the holy places of his Birth, Enlightenment, Turning the Wheel of the Holy Dharma, and Maha-parinirvana; the introduction of Buddhism into Tibet by the India tantric Master Guru Padmasambhava, the Second Buddha of our time, and the establishment of the Samye Monastery; a short introduction of the Rainbow Body of the Nyingma (Ancient) School of Tibetan Buddhism; the enlightened activities of H.H. Kyabje Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche, the Regent of Guru Rinpoche of our contemporary time, together with a short introduction of the Dudjom Tersar Lineage; the enlightened activities of H.H. Kyabje Chadral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche, the Great Realized Dzogchen Master, and the Vajra Regent of the Dudjom Tersar Lineage; a short introduction of the Dudjom Buddhist Association (International), to be concluded with a very rare footage on the Spiritual Advice by H.H. Kyabje Chadral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche for Dharma Practitioners of this Degenerate Age.
Particularly with the special blessings of His Holiness Kyabje Chadral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche's great presence with us, while celebrating His Holiness' 104th Holy Birthday this year (2015), the Dudjom Buddhist Association (International) would like to hereby specially dedicated all the accumulated merits for the great health and longevity of our Most Beloved Crowning Jewel (Root Guru) His Holiness Kyabje Chadral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche, with our earnest, humble and utmost sincere prayers and aspirations that His Holiness' Lotus Feet will remain firm and steadfast for thousands and thousands of aeons in this universe, so as to continuously uphold the Victory Banner and turn the Wheel of the Holy Dharma, for the benefits of all our motherly sentient beings, as limitless as the sky! SARWA MANGALAM !

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Series on Ven. Guru Lau, Vajra Masters Yeshe Thaye & Pema Lhadren

緬懷漢地演密教者福德法幢劉銳之金剛上師- 百歲冥壽紀念  移喜泰賢及啤嗎哈尊金剛上師之傳承簡介:虹光身



 - 2014年百歲冥壽紀念




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2014年,為敦珠佛學會導師移喜泰賢及啤嗎哈尊金剛上師之恩師劉銳之金剛上師百歲冥壽之際,為著緬懷及感激 恩師對漢地密法傳播之深厚恩德,兩位金剛上師現以照片及錄音方式作出特別的紀念。
 於西元1959 年,恩師 劉銳之金剛上師獲紅教敦珠法王二世傳授所有有關 「大幻化網」無上甚深大法、名曰「那也東初」 (意為 "根本摧滅金剛地獄" ) 之灌頂、口傳、導引、口訣後,恩師稟告 敦珠法王二世謂於日內將作歸程。 敦珠法王二世對 恩師之將要離去,感到依依不捨,並請 恩師於翌日臨別前再次見面。於會面時,敦珠法王二世拿出了兩份藏文的傳承表 (分別寫上「教傳派、巖傳派、極近傳承」三種傳承) 賜與 恩師,並要求 恩師肩負起於漢地弘法利生的重任、代師攝受弟子,及賜與稱號「漢地演密教者」、法名「­舒囊卓之賛青」(意為 "福德法幢" ),更謂 恩師乃是五百年來,漢人於漢地裡弘揚西藏密宗之第一人。
 今藉 恩師百歲冥壽之際,願與有緣者發菩提大願,祈望正法久住於世、眾生均能早日離苦得樂、­早證菩提。願與諸方大德共勉,有厚望焉!

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-- 虹光身

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